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World Ocean Day is a worldwide movement to engage with local communities and to inspire people to take action to protect our waters locally and as a planet. Why we are involved in Bude takes no explanation. We are our coastline.

We would like 200 people to come down to Bude Sea Pool and be part of a mass Silly Hat and Tow Float Dip! Whether you are a swimmer, a dipper or a bobber, we would like folks of all ages and sizes to come down, don a silly hat and get in as a group at 1pm. The sillier, the better.

We welcome all individuals and groups (local and visiting). We will be contacting local schools, groups such as BOWS and the BlueTits, charities such as The Wave Project and BSLSC as well as local business, such as Adventure Bude and holiday resorts.

This is going to be such a great fun event and way to raise awareness. Please share the word amongst your communities and encourage others to come. Come help fly the Bude flag for protecting our seas and oceans.

This event features as part of our Dip & Sip event taking place on 10th June 2023

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