The depth of Bude Sea Pool is variable. It is a natural rockpool with an uneven and undulating rocky bottom. It also varies due to how much sand and stones are brought in with the tides. As you may well know, Bude Sea Pool is emptied and dredged each Spring, but that does not mean there isn’t considerable build up. And indeed, that depths around the Pool shift and change with the tides and weather patterns.
Even if the depths didn’t change, Swim England have clear rules on when diving is allowed, and Bude Sea Pool does not meet that criteria.
‘Diving should not be permitted into water with a vertical depth of less than 1.5 metres during recreational and unprogrammed swimming (public/open sessions).’
– Swim England Guidance on Water Depths, Diving Entries and Competitive Starts
Bude Sea Pool is not lifeguarded and as such, each person swims at their own risk. The Charity does not police diving, and yet members of Pool Crew and volunteers will therefore strongly suggest that diving does not happen for the reasons above. One person diving may encourage others to do the same without understanding the possible implications. A recent user who dived in broke his fingers and we have had several incidents of people hitting their heads. We don’t want others to get hurt. This isn’t just a matter for the individual and their families, it has implications for the RNLI and emergency services who work incredibly hard to keep everyone safe on our Atlantic coast.
Thank you for following this important rule of the Pool.